Just time this morning for a quick post on the weekend ride recap: Got to 23 miles on Saturday, via a lovely ride out from Renton, along the Cedar River Trail. And then turned around and completed 45 miles along Burke Gilman starting from Fremont out to Redhook and back. --Bee
Bee is a semi-faux bicyclist: during the warmer months she gets her %$#@ together for the 14-mile commute to work. But on average she only bikes about 10% annually (in her head it’s 50%). Her first commuting bike was a knock-off
Trek. Her second
commuter bike, the Newmar motor coach of bikes, is a Giant electric. She's going with a Cannondale road bike for the STP. Bee plans to get
in STP survival mode with a combo of cycling, tennis, and running.
While V has tons of wonderful bike memories ranging from her second-hand Schwinn with the green banana seat to her beloved electric commuter bike, and loves that they've taken her everywhere from the mall to Belgium, she's never rode more than 20 miles at a time and is kind of terrified that she's signed up for 205+.